
We like to discuss everything. Everything includes current events, law, politics, economics, sports, religion and philosophy. There are plenty of websites and blogs all over the internet where these issues are discussed; however, we are attempting to create one where opposing arguments are displayed together and the point of view is not already predetermined. On this blog we will make an attempt to allow the reader to form his/her own opinion. Comments and discussion are encouraged as we believe that friendly debate is the best way to learn. The goal of such conversations, therefore, should be to educate oneself rather than to prove others wrong. So enjoy the posts and let's discuss, not argue.

Monday, March 16, 2009

TARP alternative. Why continue spending trillions?

I've found myself interested in hearing the alternative solutions that are put forward, particularly since defenders of programs such as TARP and more frequently the Stimulus argue that the other side simply hasn't put forward any solutions so these are our best options by default. This is an interesting proposal by Larry Kudlow, a bit technical but a clear description, that uses an upward sloping treasury yield curve and a mark-to-market reform. I particularly like this one point that Kudlow makes:

You could even have a two-tiered disclosure process: Accounting purists could be satisfied with a full mark-to-market disclosure, while regulators could forbear capital-standard rules that shouldn’t apply during this period of severe distress. As a result, banks would be in better shape to pass the Treasury’s new stress test and wouldn’t need new TARP capital-injections that further extend taxpayer liabilities.

This is nice because, as he points out, it satisfies both parties as there is still, if not more, transparency. So if the mark-to-market evaluation makes a company look less attractive than another, investors can choose to stay out.

A Shotgun-Marriage Proposal by Larry Kudlow

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